Visa & Mastercard
Owe Up To
In Class Action Settlement


Updated August 8, 2024: On August 8, 2024, the Court granted a requested 180-day extension of the claims-filing deadline and extended the deadline to Tuesday, February 4, 2025.

Brownstone Recovery

Expertise: As opposed to many of our competitors, our expertise is focused on this specific topic. We understand the moving parts, monitor the legal proceedings, handle potential unexpected changes, and understand the claim filing processes.

Experience: Brownstone Recovery experts have decades of experience in settlement recovery, with special expertise in cases involving payment and interchange.

Transparency: We are with you every step of the way and provide updates on the settlement as it progresses. From start to finish, we keep you informed of the status of your claim.

In 2005, a group of Merchants got together and claimed that card associations (primarily Visa and Mastercard) set interchange fees and rules governing payment card acceptance in ways that amounted to illegal price fixing.

The card associations and card-issuing banks countered that the fee structures are reasonable.

Before the case was fully litigated, both sides reached a negotiated settlement. While this settlement was initially approved, it was subsequently appealed and but eventually rejected in 2016.

Brownstone Recovery Helps You Understand Your Options

Merchants must take action to participate in this class action in order to receive compensation. Brownstone Recovery has extensive expertise with interchange fees and the previous class action case involving Visa and Mastercard. And we’ve made the process to retain our settlement recovery services extremely easy.

For Merchants

• Educational materials to learn more about the class settlement

• Leverage our deep understanding of claims processing

• Expert guidance to help you proceed confidently

For ISOs/ MSPs/ Agents

• Turnkey programs that provide added value to your merchants

• Foster better relationships within your customer base

• Build trust within the merchant community

Who’s Included?

Merchants who accepted Visa or Mastercard since January 1, 2004 are part of a $6 billion dollar settlement.

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Action Required?

Yes! Merchants must take action – either file a claim directly or file through a qualified claims recovery service.

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Dispute Summary

Visa and Mastercard are involved in one of the largest private antitrust settlements in history. What is it all about?

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Claims Processing 101

An insider’s guide to the claims process: Filing a claim, dealing with the claims administrator, and how the estimation process works.

Read More

Disclaimer: You can file yourself without using a claims recovery service like Brownstone by going to or calling 1-800-625-6440. Claim forms are being delivered and are available online beginning December 1, 2023. Class members need not sign up for a third-party service in order to participate in any monetary relief. No-cost assistance is available from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during the claims-filing period. Additional information regarding the litigation, is available at